10 favorite songs of 08
Surkin - Next of Kin
I heard this in the unreleased Fabric mix that Justice did and just figured it was them doing an edit of something. Then I happened on the actual track in a compilation.
Iron Virgin - Rebels Rule
I've always loved glam so one night on soulseek I got a bunch of best of's and compliations. This is the only tracks the really caught my attention but i can't stop listening to it.
Sebastien Tellier - Sexual Sportswear
Sebastien Tellier and Arpegiators. Put two of my favorite things together then add production help from a member of daft punk and you can't lose.
Portishead - Machinegun
I find some of third kind of off putting in how much every song sound like another song (silverapples much?) but this minimal electro gem easily rises above it's allusions.
Harry Manfredini - Theme to Friday the 13th Part 3
An instrumental from the 80's that could easily have been made by Chromeo.
Yuksek - Tonight
Phillip Clark showed me this song a couple weeks ago and i've since listened to it at least a hundred times. Everything about this song is perfect.
Jack White and Alicia Keys - Another Way to Die
I'm obsessesed with fuzz tone. This has got it en mass. Really crazy arrangement and the best bond theme since a view to a kill.
Women - Black Rice
I played a couple shows with them in the Jon Mckiel band not person. They didn't have any records yet so i didn't hear this until a bit latter but it was definetly a standout track of the shows.
Paul McCartney - Check My Machine
This is on the reissue of McCarney 2. From what I gather this was not a sucessful record at the time. The world was not ready. Forget about the beatles or any of those other guys. Get this record and try to tell me this isn't the music of the future.
Mr oizo Sebastian and Sebastien Tellier - Skatesteak
From the soundtrack to Oizo's movie Steak. Easier to watch than electroma.
DJ mix.
top 5 and ECMA's
Our show in PEI tonight made the top 5 shows in Canada this weekend:
Fri Dec 12 - Corb Lund Yellowknife, NT - The Hurtin' Albertan will be giving a lesson in horsemanship and raw-country rocking Friday night at St. Patrick's High School.
Fri Dec 12 - Fembots Toronto, ON. A misty musical thank you to the little indie label that could. (weewerk) celebrates its 6th birthday with Fembots, Tony Dekker, and Jenny Omnichord at the Whippersnapper Gallery.
Fri Dec 12 / Sat Dec 13 - Hey Ocean! Grande Prairie, AB. Since seeing them once is never enough, Vancouver's Hey Ocean! will take the stage at Better Than Fred's for back-to-back nights.
Fri Dec 12 / Sat Dec 13 - Jingle Bell Rock Toronto, ON. With The Dears, Tokyo Police Club, Metric, and Sebastien Grainger all taking the stage at the Sound Academy, it must be said: Helping charities never sounded so good.
Fri Dec 12 - Sleepless Nights Charlottown, PEI. The kids will be on fire this Friday as Sleepless Night's wall-of-sound makes its way into Hunter's Ale House.
Also we got nominated for best alternative recording at the ECMA's this year. I think hey rosetta'll get it.
another mash up
we're home
The show last night was really fun. we played jeff's guide to TV and breathe deep tornado which we have not played yet this tour. the show was opened by a dance party so we had to try and keep the energy going which it's safe to say we failed at and i couldn't have been happier. the few people that were into the show were cool so i was glad to be there playing. not to mention we got an insane amount of beer and some girl bought us shots. That made the heckling alot easier to take.
Yes, the heckling. No we won't play you a tragically hip song and no you can't come up on stage and play it yourself.
In honor of the corporate-ish surroundings i'm in, here is the radio mix of got caught.
sleepless nights -got caught radio remix
Anyway, we drove and drove and ate and slept and now here we are. We're playing a show tomorrow which is why we do this so i'm psyched.
Note: chicken bowls from kfc are the best thing since rock'n'roll.
here's a demo of a song that may make it onto our next record.
we're all doomed
best tour ever.
guitar hero
sleepless nights - guitar hero
music NS

we're going on tour again.
